AP DSC,APPSC important Bits

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 green revolution is the most very important topics which are going to be asked in the upcoming exams like APPSC group exams and many other competitive exams. Nowadays many of the children are suffering from nutritious food. To get protein and nutrition from plants and animals we have to know about green revolution. This green revolution is very important because we have to know about this green revolution.

we have to grow all type of crops we have to use high yield variety seeds and irrigation facilities to improve our agriculture fields.India is mostly based on agriculture many of the Indian people knows how to cultivate plants. Paddy is the main major crop. So we have to know about some agricultural techniques to improve our crops. Google describe revolution started in 1965 year. We should not use more pesticides and fertilizers to increase the crops. So we have to use natural methods to increase the the crops like we have to use cow waste and goat waste and also excretion true that the soil get strong.

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