RRB ALP Recruitment 2024 | Railway ALP Notification 2024
Job Description:
Applications are to be submitted ONLINE through RRB Website
Scale of pay Level 02 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix with initial pay of `19900/- plus
other allowances as admissible.
Age 18 – 28 Years
Stages of Exam:
There shall be two stages examination (First stage CBT and Second Stage CBT)
common for ALP and Technician. In addition , candidates who have opted for ALP
and qualified in Second Stage CBT have to undergo Computer Based Aptitude Test
(AT). Marks will be normalized in all the stages of exam.
Negative Marking: There shall be negative marking for incorrect answers in
First and Second Stage CBT. 1/3rd of the marks allotted for each question
shall be deducted for each wrong answer. There shall be no negative marking
for Computer Based Aptitude Test. Electronic gadgets like Mobile phones,
bluetooth, pen drive, laptops, calculators, wrist watches or any other
communication devices or pen/pencil are strictly NOT allowed inside the exam
hall. Any infringement of this instruction shall entail summary rejection
besides legal action including debarment from future examinations. Candidates
are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned items
including mobile phones etc. to the venue of the examination, as arrangements
for safe keeping cannot be assured.
Click on Below Link to Apply